Bon objectif de cette après midi bien entamée : Finir le chapitre 15 de Rán! On va tenter d'instaurer un meilleur rythme pour finir tout ça 💪
Bon ce matin je me suis déjà penché.e sur une potentiel couverture ce cette histoire un poile beaucoup en avance xD

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Just randomly remembered that previous post, so here's a little follow up, a few more months later. 🐮🐸 Let's see what comes next. Have a thing or two on my mind.

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🧩n° 98 •

Les lynels de Zelda sont appelés «centaléos» au Québec ⚜️


1) Car les Québécois ne font jamais rien comme tout le monde ;

2) Parce que ce nom vient de ce qui compose ce monstre : centa pour «centaure» et leo pour «lion» 🦁

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takes this monster appearance when he attacks. also have pumpkin!! an adorable ant eater who's the lifelong companion of my sunshine tauren ekusha. then i have snuggle, a small albinos bat of nazmir who's the pet of my blood troll hacih'ji.

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Ya know...
That Big tiddy undead-Taurem Bf

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1. Le nouvelle "La Terre vagabonde" a déjà été adaptée en long métrage par Netflix en 2019. Alors que notre soleil s'apprête à se changer en géante rouge, le gouvernement mondial décide de construire d'immenses réacteurs pour que la Terre rejoigne Proxima du Centaure... 3/10

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y esto fue algo que hice la semana pasada, restaure la base de mi avatar (la primera imagen) y una especie de clon de el cual es el de la derecha (sus detalles como collar y bufanda tienen que ver con Lycanroc)

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As the Sortaurer Supreme Doctaur Strange, I will use my power to save the Multaurverse!

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♉ Esteu felicitant tots els que celebren aniversaris estos dies? En el nostre pròxim joc,✨#ZodiacDuel✨, disponible en estiu, es farà més fort cada vegada que perds un duel. Deixaràs que el bou s'enfade? ➡️ Més info del joc:

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Cher Padre Pio, j'espère juste que votre signe zodiacal n'est pas le taureau 😬

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Currently deciding which of these I want to make a tauren rogue out of. I love both of them for very different reasons

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☁️ Où sont les Béliers ♈️ et les Taureaux ♉️ ? Manifestez-vous en commentaires !

“Steam Reverie in Amber” de est disponible chez !

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So... I made a extremely laid back guild on Moonguard horde side for my highmountain / tauren frens c:
It's called Twilight Tusk Tribe if anyone would like to place their moo in there. Currently we are just leveling & what not. Very chill ^^" also has server.

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✨"Taurus: Very steady sign, slow to act, concerned with security. Very practical people. Self-contained, receptive. Draw possessions to themselves—“Me and my stuff.” Taureans like to accumulate beautiful, high-quality things." ✨ Llewellyn Worldwide

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Ah, finally unlocked Level 24 of life 2 days ago so cheers to your local Taurean here. Writing my birth date in Roman numerals 'cause why not?

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I felt like giving ma boy some quick colors xD I know the leg still looks a bit off

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✨Welcome to Taurus Season- I wish a very Happy Birthday to all you Taureans!✨
I'm excited to share with you my new painting "Taurus", created as part of my 2023 Astrological calendar for Llewellyn Worldwide.
Prints now available on my Etsy site!

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I'm really happy about this, and I hope this means actually seeing these appear in Dragonflight. Show me new Rangari, show me tauren runeweavers, show me orcs regaining their Shadowmoon faith. Don't just add them with no story.

And don't just stop at these three classes.

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