I keep posting new illustrations because I'm really looking forward to the new story. 🥺🦋 Chloe was always one of my crushes. 💙

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I used to play HotS a lot a few years ago, and I really liked Orphea's design

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Heroes of the storm fanart I did years ago. I used to play Dehaka a lot and thought they were the cutest thing ever 😍

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315国际消费者权益日 也能画贺图!


March 15 is the World Consumer Rights Day.

Kael'thas: This plate mail does nothing to combat the heat. It's like an oven in here!

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I'll be streaming Hero's of the Storm tomorrow morning at 9:00 EST. New to the game so should be interesting lol feel free to stop out and give me pointers !

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Ok, dopo non so quanto ho ripreso in mano il tablet 😂 oggi è la giornata della svolta ahahah
Comunque ho voluto rifare Kaladin (❤)il primo disegno risale all'era preistorica 😂 ovviamente come sempre non sono soddisfatta 🙃 vabbè

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En cuanto acabó el juego de tuve la gran necesidad de hacer a y a Yo lo siento pero son mi máximo ship en estos momentos y nadie puede cambiar mi mente.

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I hope there will be some Life is Strange fans reading the comic and not just Reed900! 🙏

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It is 30th annyversary. What a serious age tho =).
Thank you for amazing games, which I truely love and I can not lie.

Here my illustrations for and

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