Just tapped He-Man on the shoulder to remind him that he's a massive fucking twat.

140 279

uploading this here late because i'm a twat but AAAAHHH KRYSTAL HAPPY BIRTH

1 7

Dear Britain PLEEEEEEEZE vote Don't leave us in the hands of this twat (yes...#Boris, the one on the bike)

0 1

Self portrait bc I haven't done one in forever. Also I look like a twat on at least a weekly basis.

0 4

"For f**k's sake, don’t make that fat twat look like Messi!".. Struggles of a football dad » https://t.co/90XNdWeLps

0 2

Paleo Pete was being more of an intolerable smug twat that usual.

89 102

To be honest, the monkey was a bit of a twat.

2 1

{Slides it toward } Twat.

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