Is not finished yet bUT HEY I did not forget about the rest of the :D I love these guys to much

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Another vampire tarot card done! The ventrue prince my character is dating >.>

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Heya I'm Ronan/Sluggy, I mostly draw world of darkness/horror stuff but sometimes (and recently) i ventrue into fantasy stuff :3 here's my commission info

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Silver Sable showing Spidey some tough love. Key frame for Spider-Man PS4. Shoutout to Eve Ventrue for the design on Silver Sable. Art direction by Jacinda Chew. ⁠#insomniacgames

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Eve Ventrue氏のイラストレーション。

4 13

Ontem maratonei e mds que série ♥ gostei tanto que fiz uma fanart.

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現代のゲームや映画系のアーティストさんの絵はカッコいいのが当たり前なんであまり紹介しないけど、さすがに一流の方のはいい感じ。左 Eve Ventrue さん。右はなんとなくフェルディナンド・ワグナーの絵(1883)

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Been posting mostly fan art since the movie released a month ago. Wanted to shift back to the light & look ahead to Episode IX.
If you don’t follow find her artwork on Artstation & IG.

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Congrats to artists Dennis Chan, Daryl Mandryk, Eve Ventrue & Sing Ji on your first covers! And kudos to Insomniac's amazing art director on assembling & guiding these spectacular creators!

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PLUS, Marvel's Spider-Man Video Game Variant covers hitting in September. By artists Dennis Chan, Daryl Mandryk, Eve Ventrue and Sing Ji (the MJ cover in last tweet), and ' Art Director Tim Tsang!

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Marvel's Variant Covers 3 (of 5), on sale Sept: Avengers by Eve Ventrue (homage to Dark Reign: Mister Negative Issue by Jae Lee)!

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Jaz, my Ventrue Architect at the last Elysium :3

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Eve Ventrueさんのイラストレーション。

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some doodle stuff from my VtR ventrue and her gangrel almost thrall boyfriend. This is some new otp shit i did not expect to fall into.

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Jazdia got a redesign. :3 My Ventrue baby

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