It's working...............its wor k ing .......

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Wings of Wor Dev: Colors by Interior cover art for Mega Visions Issue 06. Another tag-team piece complete!

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work work work work work wor

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ARTFINDER: Istanbul 1 by Shabs Beigh - Inspired by a trip to Istanbul and the tile wor... - via

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Inspired by - & I were drawing at pub but had a limited amount of pens to wor…

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"Flowers are happiness. They remind me of the strength and beauty in this world. I want to share with you, the wor…

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“No politician in history has been treated wor-”
"Not all m-"
"Reverse racism is re-"
"All lives ma-"
"Rape culture doesn't exi-"

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1/3 finished WoR Vayron pieces for Idekz on dA! Featuring their Charmor (front) and my Callisto (back)

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Forgot wor Vera (the excellent ) was in Pride & Prejudice. Howling at her line "...Newcastle, wherever that it" 😂

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Spiritism by Oil and Acrylic on Panel in Vintage Frame 19 x 12.5 Inches (21.5x15 Inches Framed) • Shop the original wor

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after the recent episode of WoR I keep thinking that she should use an scarf to honor her grandfather and btw take control of the SDC

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A small painting by Mandy Cao.

Suture is open Tuesday - Saturday, 12-6pm and features wor…

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Strange Beauty is up next at beinArt Gallery! Opens this Saturday (August 20) with new wor…

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Far-out sounds and art from Doc Wor Mirran...a series of 5 blog posts.

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by martinjohnfowler Scarborough Harbour evening returns by Martin John fowler Drawing And Painting wor…

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