To Yubel's credit they are very patient

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This shot is so funny but its especially funny bc Judai just ignores them while Yubel is like :V LOLLLL

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I honest to god thought this was just gonna segue into Yubel winning this duel and Judai's heart right that instant

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Yubel: (chuckles) all according to keikaku

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I love how clearly it's difficult for Judai to push himself to use this card and Yubel is just like "mmmhmmm"

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I love how Yubel is just like.... yes? come on...?

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how many times must I say "I love Yubel"...

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I mean at least Yubel has faith in him

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this poor thing (Yubel)...

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I like how this probably isn't actually anger but like "IF YOU LOVE HIM SO MUCH DON'T YOU WANT HIM TO SUFFER TOO?????????" considering Yubel's twisted idea of love....

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Yubel the one ignoring Judai now and just bitchslaps him (which, I love how it actually takes the WIND out of Judai but it does bring him down to 300 LP....)

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*spreads my hands* *clasps them together* *touches them to my lips* ...Yubel....

0 7

Parsing this again did they.... did they really whip out LOVE in regards to JOHAN on first watch I thought Yubel was talking about themselves oh my god how did this AIR it's not even subtext

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I love how offended Yubel looks like NO this is MY body excuse me!!

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Yubel: (I do not see it)

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hey Yubel remember when you were his favourite monster haha bet that hurts haha oof

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Yubel: :/ *foot tapping intensifies*

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poor Yubel tho Judai is so focused on Johan...

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Yubel like *taps watch* helloooo pay attention to me!!

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