【レガコレ】レガシーコレクション第六弾「Legacy Collection: Pinocchio」が2月10日発売。2枚組。http://t.co/MCPHZsb5bI

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I finished the Omajinai Perori pixel, I ended up not using that other Nocchi, consider it a twitter exclusive or smt

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Rejected OMAJINAI★PERORI Nocchi pixel, I may reuse her face for the next pose because I feel it looks like her though

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Gnocchis à l'ail nouveau et basilic pourpre

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Working from personal experience, he wasn't sure what to make of the results

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The Pinocchio Paradox

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Pinocchio by Nicholas Darby. Spotted on at http://t.co/15lW8MvMTL we also sell some of his work :D

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