Hope I’m not too late? Had to rush this cuz I was feeling guilty that i didnt draw him today lol anyways Happy birthday Asmo 😳

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|“Can you resist this temptation?👄“|
Happy Birthday Asmo! We love you!!

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This is just a quick sketch, but I still wanted to draw something for him! Happy birthday to my best boy Asmo! 💕💕💕💕

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Since I’m mad at Lucifer’s illustration for taking me so much time and I wanted to draw something less headachy before getting my ass to sleep, Happy Birthday, Asmo! Thank you so much for your cooperation!

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A little fanart to our birthday boi UwU


Thank you for doing VA this beautiful birthday boi 🤧💓

Have this little fanart as my demonic offering 😈✨

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It’s a repost BUT WITH MUSIC!! You have no idea how stupid I felt when I realized asmo’s VA was the singer for Sinful Indulgence and I’ve been looping every Miura Ayme song ever while making this!!

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My Chibi Asmo birthday fanart 🤣😅

Asmo with my MC (^ 〰 ^)

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Well, I confess that I haven't played the game yet but I can't look foward to meet him.
He seems very happy for the gifts of his fans. !! CW: Suggestive content

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