Based on a fanfic by a friend and my desire to see actual CGs of these (basically canon) costumes. 🙏

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This was my first ACEO. I started listening to K-Pop around that time 😃🔥

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MM Saeran&Saeyoung❤

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Saeyoung Choi aka 707 aka my ex lover 😘
I'm sorry but my heart is belong to Saeran now

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707 is still the best for me, even with the new V route. 😭 Gonna play V route for 707 CG's

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「Icons Saeyoung Choi (Game:Mystic Messenger)」

➟Pedido por/ Requested by:

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So I saw this meme on Instagram lol and I had to draw it 😂😂

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