This taste... is the taste of a liar... Giorno Giovanna.

0 0

I can't wait for this arc to be animated. Diego's such a goofball.

0 1

"Dell'ovo"? Like "Diavolo"? Subtle, Araki. Real subtle.

0 0

Tomb of the Boom eats the booty like groceries.

0 0

jojo steelballrun×captainamerica civilwar
シヴィル・ウォー楽しみで、ジャイジョニも描きたかったのでこうなりました。CAPTAINAMERICA(johnny) BUCKY(gyro)

8 26

ดังโงะ ดังโงะ...

26 49

ดังโงะ ดังโงะ...

44 104


39 75


110 139