This sequence is Koji Yabuno (小倉寛之) ? Good moviments.

KA: Koji Yabuno (小倉寛之) ?

3 8

Yes, this is outsourced, but is amazing too!
This episode was great. Very good animation and art.

Also ok Hata's direction as usually.

3 9

Youhei Sasaki, the man that animated almost of good animation of news seasons, is the artist that give us a great art on Benizakura first episode.

Great work!

6 13

Is this, Benizakura arc!
For first episode, they called his best staff.
Kazuo Miyake did his best work as episode director.

See this layouts! Great angles.

3 12

SC: Akatsuki Yamatoya (大和屋暁).
ED/SB: Kazuo Miyake (三宅和男).
AD: Youhei Sasaki (佐々木洋平).

7 20

Aisu storyboard is really interesting.

2 7

This is outsourced and animated by studio Hal Film Maker, but still good!
Ok, animation is bad (animation fluidity), but art is good. This is a great point!

1 4

This is a Sakamoto episode, filler episode and also outsourced episode hahahahaha!
Mad mix.

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This is debut of one of my favorite animation director: the Gintama veteran Hitomi Tsuruta!!!
She is one of best AD of series. For now, see her sexy Gintoki.

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Just do it by Yoko Sato, great art again.

Not sakuga for this one, but direction still on Fujita good hands.
Good episode.

1 7

One of my favorite Gintoki. Amazing!
Yoko Sato did it, her art really make this episode special, at some moments.

3 9

For this episode I don't much to say, but man, Yoko Sato was so powerful at this!
Her art was great. She always do a great Kagura and is here:

4 13

Oppata is AD of this episode. Even a good artist, this episode no has his life, as usually. However, art still good.
Highlight for Tatsumi past: great art here!

2 7

This is debut of Tatsumi and first solo direction of Ai Yoshimura!
Yoshimura is great and you will see. For now, this are some good angles of her storyboard of Tatsumi's past.

3 9

This is best staff possible for do an arc's climax.
No sakugas, but some great highlights.

Sasaki is Animation Director. His corrections at Nizou are great!

2 11

This episode was good for a outsourced.

Gintoki dad is so lovely!

9 18

This episode was animated on Tezuka Productions studio and has a new duo of ADs.
They did a good job in general. The art was ok... Almost time.

3 8

This is first episode of Infant Strife Arc, the arc that Nizou debut, but is an outsourced episode... Normal whereas episode 50 was sakuga episode.

This is last episode directed by Fumihiro Yoshimura, tks for her 2 episodes (46, 51).

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