Desde 2017 viene siendo noticia , dirigido por Beatriz Hernández
4 días para acceder al mejor cine en formato corto, que tiene lugar en Benidorm(Alicante).
Más allá de las proyecciones de los cortometrajes,
hay actividades paralelas, en el Aula Cultural de la CAM

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Made a lil' goat bae, she's a paladin and her name is Naamei ? 💞I'm torn between ret or protection. Hair inspiration was the lovely Rosa Diaz/Stephanie Beatriz 🌻💗

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beatriz as a disney princess although she is absolutely just mother goethel combined with sexy human ursula so like. princess status pending. the only animals she attracts are crows (and dogs)

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Here is some art of the main character, Breatriz, from SUNCATCHER, a Mexicali musical journey with a supernatural twist. 's art and colors will give a story that will resonate with you long after you finish this graphic novel.

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🎨 Patrizia Mancuso

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O mundo já conhece e ama Amy Poehler como atriz, mas que tal apreciar a carreira maravilhosa dela como produtora e roteirista?

"Boneca Russa", série criada e escrita por ela para a , está com 100% de aprovação no Rotten Tomatoes.

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Oie! Eu sou a Beatriz e curto fazee uns rabiscos!

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Olá!! Eu sou a Beatriz e curto fazer uns rabiscos :D

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Ostinarsi a far parlare il nulla
a cercare parole che non hanno voglia"


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Oi oi! EU sou a Beatriz e curto fazer uns rabiscos :P

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Rowan was kidnapped by the fairies when he was a baby. But thanks to the help of two witches he could live to tell about it.

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Coprimi grandemente
e in me resta."

Gabriel Pacheco

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This hairy little man is Rob. A good person who plays the drums and take in care every cat he sees in the street. He loves give hugs when is drunk.

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Painted after a trip to the Maldives, ‘The Best Kind of Shade’ by Beatriz Elorza captures the underwater colour combinations experienced while diving in the crystal clear waters of the archipelago.

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