Give a little little more love Give a little little more time😚💕

338 414

Need a little sweetness in my life💕Like sugar to my heart🍭You're my bitter candy🍬

258 316

170426 KBS 너목보에서 만나양

663 858

170417 ICN 안경엄귀쟈너 !! ❤_❤

849 1172

The Love Story of Twice Couples-Chapter One 2yeon

283 337


*Don't Repost

69 79

files are JH, JY&DH stayed up all night organizing...typical Sana😂and 😌

391 492

Just like this happens😳teacher is going crazy😂

242 315

-Right now I found my Wendy.
-And you're my Peter Pan.
แต่งฟิคแม่ง55555555555555 แต่ขก..

88 98