commission for peterquills! Hadnt drawn these losers yet, so this was a lot of fun :D thank you!

11 32

because these two continue to ruin my emotions.

7 16

ブリッツは嫁 副官とショッキーの巨乳で圧死したい M伝ラチェットとかMTMTEクロムドとか脚先生も好き そして今日クロスヘアーズに心をごっそり持ってかれた たまにコスプレもする 

6 6

there is so much more i want to know about their relationship.

3 5

the plot of MTMTE season 2, as confirmed by

0 1

Tumblrカラーパレットゲーム ホワール Whirl (30min)

7 11

First new mug design! More than meets the eye!

4 14

New preview for 29 is out and inside is a peek at a cover 'as illustrated by 2 shmucks'

76 84

LULLISHOP★ giveaway on Tumblr! Win cute stuff :3

1 2

"The Christening"

91 135

MTMTE Season 2: Sailor Moon on LL。セーラームーン!!!!!

42 53

-28 days / Countdown to Season 2: He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named...

7 7

DJD & Scavengers | Badges / magnets | PREORDER (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

4 3


4 3


11 20

warm-up! Tailgate

10 22

guyssssss look at this AMAZING. Drift Makotron drew!

28 60