"PAY ATTENTION TO ME"!! Eren said it
And good grief Levi is in a good mood!!!

1 10

Good morning ..
Happy Thursday it's Throwback time ! :3

2 4

this domestic ereri perhaps i cried

6 15

I am dead and it's late, but I got ereris

0 2

Levi: "Eren...Why are you looking at your phone all the time?"
Eren: "Because of this! *grin*
Levi: 😱
(Lovely give me permission to use her art as city advertising! Arigato!)

5 11


Levi exhausted because of one brat who s got a lot of energy because of Eren s in young age well you can't help it Captain if your lover is more aggressive in bed ..

しかたない な へいちょう は。。
がんばって な >\\\<

3 6

Salut la Twittererie j'ai fini mon animation de Bruce Banner qui se transforme en Hulk je suis satisfait globalement mis a part qu'il tremble un peu

4 13

エレリ エレリ です ^^

Q and A
Questions and Answers for Levi ..
Eren seems having fun eh??? :3

2 4

Un dibujo recién hecho Ereri. One drawin recently made Ereri i love Ereri!! I hope you like it

1 8

おはよう ごさいます 。。。

エレリ エレリ Love for you!!!

Thursday Throwback!!!!
My favorite <3 !!!!

2 6

Secret love ..

Hide thier feelings,
Thier love ..


Tears.. T..T

1 8

Captain relax ^o^

Seeing Eren naked makes Levi hot - boiling head- pissed!!!

2 4

Art trade with the talented !!

2 18

Eren s anger of a jealousy just to express how much he loves the Captain ~

Based on Recently AOT Collaboration ~'

0 4

I ship it. Ereri is still OTP, but I think this is my fav straight ship in snk now 😭💞💞💞

17 83

Savage :3

Sweet talking brat ~ <3

1 2

Ereri for today ~ <3

Levi s jealousy (2)

2 8