画質 高画質

sebeum mei, style ku painting ala-ala.
mei ini style ku somewhere between manhwa, anime, barat, dll tanpa blendingan yang riweuh...

juni mencoba style baru. masih belajar bikin hal yang lucu sampe ada yang reply "gemush" 🤣🤗

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Halley pose dulu ala cover girl sebelum berangkat 💐✨

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Ya termine ala mey en la pared uwu

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I redrew the old version of Elina from 'Ala Kachuu' comic for fun ✨ the comic belongs to

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Illustration class project:
Hikayat Puteri Walinong Sari

Style ala-ala Mulan

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Man I had forgotten all about Inanna in SMTIV Apocalypse but the Harpy Queen is straight up an homage to her

The boss fight is basically a superboss ala SMT, pretty cool

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THANKS TO ONE OF MY CREWMATES , we now have our pirate symbol! Our ship is called ALA Ashen Waifu! Thank you so much home for this amazing make! Hoping later on tonight to play some Sea of Thieves for the hype of the next update! See y’all tonight!

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Tutorial Membuat Chibi Lineart ala ‘Reon and Friends’ (Step 1-3)

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Some paintings from this year.
Ala,the Igbo goddess of earth.
Ṣàngó, the Yorùbá god of thunder.
Donald Glover.

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Ga jadi enternal wip ehe 👁️👄👁️ selama istirahat aku terus-terusan nyari cara buat improve, kupikir udah lumayan lah 😌✊

Balik jungkir dari warna pastel bentar ga apa lah ya 😂 tolong yang bisa nggambar background ajarin aku dong 🥺

Ala-ala cover watty ga apa lah ya wkwkw

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Dibuje a Mencho y ala mayonesa golondrina por que adore su colaboración y hablaron de cosas eróticas. So tuve que dibujarlos de forma muy atractiva.👀

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¡Os he dejado casi a punto de concluir! Bueno, tenemos el arma, las tres posturas... ¿Qué nos faltaría? Pues, obviamente, si Lightning tenía Cronoestasis y Discronía como dones divinos, Hope tiene también equivalentes: Vuelo Radiante (Brightsoar) y Ala Radiante (Brightwing).

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Aku, Fang dan bantal peluk donat lobak merah Fang punya...

Ala, BoBoiBoy ajak Fang sleep over jer. Saje2 lukis ni. Dah idea ni terlintas dalam kepala otak aku 😂
(Last night quick drawing)

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Pues ala, manos a la obra el Pitou gato/ta desgraciado XD

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