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Hi there! I'm a senior concept artist working at Blizzard on Hearthstone! I love cartoony stuff and juicy colors!

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Stuck between Control Warrior and Highlander Mage, despite some solid matchups, Zoo Warlock was not the best deck on ladder. However, things can easily change after the nerfs! Learn more about the deck with our guide by : https://t.co/uXXIQbAqPg

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Saviors of Uldum nerf patch should be out in roughly ~4 hours. After it's live and players start testing new decks (or old decks, for that matter), we'll compile them in this post: https://t.co/pbkYeOKwhy

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We've rounded up a bunch of high Legend Standard decks from Week 3 of Saviors of Uldum - both meta and off-meta choices! If you're looking for a deck to climb the ladder with, you should definitely check them out: https://t.co/XA2gLbtZm2

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Hearthstone Masters Qualifier Bucharest 109優勝しました!
知り合いがおらず、ブカレストに行かれる日本勢の方々とご一緒させていただけるとありがたいですm(_ _)m

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Making it live tomorrow.
Quite certain I spent the most amount of time with this one. Also appropriately 17 minutes long.

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[#Hearthstone] Galería de ilustraciones de Salvadores de Uldum.

🎨 https://t.co/M8gym8Es7I 🎨

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Want to compare your thoughts about the upcoming Saviors of Uldum nerfs with ours? did a quick analysis of their impact, trying to answer the most important question - will those cards still be playable? Check it out here: https://t.co/OyFG2lYbDU

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Twilight Forceのアルバムジャケなど全般でイラストを描いているKerem Beyit さん。

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Reno is back, and he already made a huge impact on the Saviors of Uldum meta. Highlander Mage is one of the most common and strongest decks in the game right now. Check out our guide (mulligan, strategy, card replacements) by : https://t.co/gfdnRBIwmj

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Believe it or not, but Control is not the only way to play Warrior. Faster builds also show some solid results this expansion and might be the way to play the class IF Control gets nerfed. Check out Aggro / Tempo Warrior guide by : https://t.co/YwpDdi4uU8

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We took a look at what went on last week (August 12th - August 18th) in the world of We've also got a bunch of interesting decks from our community! https://t.co/3BP2sCZdWs

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