Achiel van Sassenbrouck (Belgian, 1886-1979) the hivernal landscape (winter landscape)

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Parece q o cinema precisará se reinventar...
"Witzel diz q vai construir presídio vertical p 5 mil presos" para "modernizar o sistema penitenciário".
“Imagine q com R$800 milhões nós poderemos ter até 70 mil vagas”, diz o governador de Detroit...digo, Rio de Janeiro😒

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EL BOSQUE: BANCO UNIVERSAL DE AIRE: El bosque es la primera empresa del Planeta. Su “negocio” consiste en captar y transformar los gases efecto invernadero de la atmósfera, concretamente el Dióxido […]… vía

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Next 🆙 🎉#Happy1stAnniversary 2.05 🎉 which 1st premiered on | 31 JAN 2018. Enjoy this opening scene 🖤#jayryan ~ if you want me to tweet Ben gifs give this some 👉🏻RETWEET! Offer expires in 47m...⌛️

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A fanart piece done for Anton Zemskov's "Taz'Dingo Cup". Love me some Trolls and blood magic.

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Cedric Peyravernay

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Shout out to DuVernay for making dreams come true with movie! (I don't know what that emoticon is lol). Anyways, thanks for your passion and respect with this project, and I cannot wait until it's release!!

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And we are LIVE! Continuing where we left off from yesterday! I still can't believe this is real.

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Confused about the Kingdom Hearts story? That's cool, most of us are too. Let's talk about it.

Killing time in Fragmentary Passage while we wait for the midnight release! Come hang out!


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Bolsonaro tentando governar o Brasil

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"Sweetest of the flowers a-blooming
In the fragrant vernal days
Is the Lily of the Valley
With its soft, retiring ways."

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Desenhando os 2 personagens dos vencedores do desafio da taverna
esperando a proxima live pra terminar isso , se der td certo esse ano ainda tem e-e sasuasbyhusa

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Ash the ShadowxBlaze child
Nervous boi that wants to live up to his parents just as Verna does with hers
Except her really just enjoys technology and tinkering with it

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Verna the SonicxAmy child
She really wants to live up to her fathers fame and being fast but her passions honestly lay more with mechanics

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Vennero i freddi,
con bianchi pennacchi e azzurre spade
spopolarono le contrade.
Il riverbero dei fuochi splendé calmo nei vetri.
La luna era sugli spogli orti invernali.
Attilio Bertolucci

Winter machine
Victor Willing

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