Swamuel Mora from Blaseball

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I am honored to announce I have designed my first Tlopps Blaseball card and it's for the best team in the league, the 📱

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late night WiP of Blaseball star, Hades Tiger batter, Jessica Telephone 🐯

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so im going for the firefighters and my persona is a moth AND is back

11 29

I don't know how this started, but since I'm the one who first drew the Allie people are runnin with, I had to show some support for x

134 460

On the precipice of a new season of the cultural event of the are well rested and ready to dominate the Evil League!

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it's a perfect day for a game

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Nolanestophia Patterson is a Cutie-Pie who is ready for ascension this season! Pie or die!

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am i still thinking about alexander horne? yes.

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hello fans its time for me to try and draw everyone in shoe thieves. first up morrow doyle, who is uh, just a glitch in body pads now

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Blankenship Fischer. All teeth, all gone. Rest in peace you beautiful enamel monster. This card's for you.

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you can hit me on my rainbow phone
ruby red in the whip like whoa

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let's go ALL! THE! WAY!

listen. i love kichiro, and i love their blaseball shaped hairbuns.

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i heard theres a fella playing for the seattle garages who shares a STRIKING similarity to the fremont troll. i thought itd be neat if ron had ever changing graffiti that mirrored that

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I'm going crazy during the siesta so I present a sleepy Richmond Harrison, the biggest, goodest boy.

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the elusive philling of the philly pies allegedly switches the baseball pants for hotpants and high heels on a night out after matches, but all who claim to have taken pictures of it have mysteriously never been seen again...

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