Mahasweta Devi’s 92nd Birthday - in 10 countries.

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Fun with Google Doodles: Children's Day 2018 (Thailand)

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Fun with Google Doodles: Zhou Youguang’s 112th birthday

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Zhou Youguang’s 112th birthday - in 13 countries.

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i sketched the pose, then ss the mv for the clothes, THEN googled for leg ref... idk i should've googled from the start aaaaa

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Fun with Google Doodles: Alan Paton’s 115th birthday

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Alan Paton’s 115th birthday - in 14 countries.

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Fun with Google Doodles: 25th Anniversary of Rafflesia Arnoldii

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25th Anniversary of Rafflesia Arnoldii - in 4 countries.

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Fun with Google Doodles: Har Gobind Khorana’s 96th Birthday

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Fun with Google Doodles: Fearless Nadia’s 110th Birthday

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i drew this for my rp blog and then googled but i still like mine better :3

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Holidays 2018 (Eastern Europe) Day 2 - in 4 countries.

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Fun with Google Doodles: Holidays 2018 (Eastern Europe) Day 1

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Fun with Google Doodles: Emma Ihrer’s 161st Birthday

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Emma Ihrer’s 161st Birthday - in Germany.

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Fun with Google Doodles: New Year's Eve 2017 (Static)

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New Year's Eve 2017 (Static) - in 14 countries.

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