//=time() ?>
So, his Name is Lum <3
(His wings are actually a bit taller. He has a small ponytail and his "belt" is liquid!)
He loves to fly through clouds
He can only fly if he has his wings out even though he is more "floating" and does not really need to use them)
Lum chan puzzled when her darling became pink hippopotamus... sad... #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん #RememberMyLove #リメンバー・マイ・ラブ
"Deny all you like. Fear is what made you who you are. But are you more afraid of being a villain again? Or being a Red Lum?"
I’ve been watching a lot of Urusei Yatsura lately, so here’s a Lum!!! 👹👽✨🛸
🌺🌙 𝒟𝒶𝓇𝓁𝒾𝓃𝑔~ 🌏💖
~On a side note, I’m really happy with how the background came out, didn’t think I would be able to pull it off 😁😁
#anime #AnimeArt #animeaesthetic #screencapredraw #animeredraw #fanart #lum
ちょっとアンニュイなラムちゃん〜♪どうしても怒ったり泣いたりしてる表情を描きたがる・・・。 #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
まどろむラムちゃん〜♪背景描く時間が欲しい! #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
sfw Lum from Urusei Yatsura
>Patreon: https://t.co/cUQSubVWSr
>Kofi: https://t.co/iPt6DBR7cP
3rd place winner of the giveaway was @OTF_After_Dark
Lum was prime choice 👌☺️
Thank you all for taking the time to retweet the giveaway, it helps a lot with supporting my art! ☺️
ほろ酔いラムちゃん完成〜♪梅干しは危険なり〜。バックをプラムっぽくして、少しモーションブラーかけたけど、浮遊感出たかな? #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
酔っ払いになる前のラムちゃん〜♪ちょっと肉感的に描いてみたり・・・。仕上げは梅干しかな!一旦休憩 #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
手抜きですがやっと完成〜♪バックの恐竜はごまかしました、何時間かかるか。。。オリジナルと比べると明らかに腰がゴツすぎですね。描いてる最中は気付かないんです、およよ。 #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
ここまで来るのに2時間!でもなんとか上手くまとまってきて良かった〜♪描いてて初めてラムちゃんが化石を握ってるのに気付いた!何回も13巻読んでたけど。。。 #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
This is an art message to @KWOLFuwu1 (she led me use her art)
[Lum:Hey Zacheese!Oh whats wrong?
Zacheetah:Im a loser xD
L: No U not!
So I make her shut by... ;:/
Pic1:Lum:Hey Zachee, looks over there!
Pic2: Do U see a dumbo loser?
Z: ...0o0!!
びしょ濡れにされたシーンだけど、水がかかった感じにするだけの技量ない〜♪ #UruseiYatsura #Lum #うる星やつら #ラムちゃん
Lum is cute and her darling better appreciate her butt <3 #clonekink2020
and this week's theme is Lum from Urusei Yatsura!
for the next week, we'll be drawing lums! #definitivedrawathon