Bonjour à tous, voici probablement le dernier de ma série de je commence à me lasser du truc et j’ai envie de revenir à mes projets perso. J’aime particulièrement celui là, donc ça « finit » bien, le modèle est de . Des bisous . .

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I've been kind of quiet on this account, but I am still drawing! I just have like...a few different projects I'm juggling while also working. I've been doing the 'emoji inspired OC' thing as breathers. This one is based on 🍁🦇🔮

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Here is my first ! This was inspired by these three emojis (🌸🍒👽) given to me on my Instagram story ^^

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하늘색 버전 매력적이지 않나요? 모두들 참여해보세요

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(A ideia era levar mais a serio, mas não ando muito bem pra desenhar de broas ultimamente. Então apenas brinquei para não passar em branco. Meu tigre branco )

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Era pra ser só um rascunho mas eu acabei me empolgando ajdnawd

Uma fadínea pro da :3

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Treinando arte digital~ ❤️
Consegui finalizar um desenho para mostrar pra vcs!! Tentei aprender no Photoshop e criei essa elfa, espero q vcs gostem ^^

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My entry for the !! Had a lot of fun making this little baby!
Tamagotchi model by

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My third entry in the by
This time with a Totoro & Friends theme! Really put my all into this model, focusing on lighting, colour and expression. Please share and let me know what you think bellow.

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Oh, es gibt eine Da hab ich doch glatt auch mal was vorbereitet, um mal wieder ein Lebenszeichen von mir zu geben 😁

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🙌Demon Dame.A thred🙌
fiz ela dnv e nao me arrependo de nada!😆😆

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desenhei meu oc demoniozinho para a terceira semana do >.<

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tava com saudade de fazer chibizinho simples, então tá aí
minha plincesa mei de the gray garden, "a criação de kcalb (o motivo por ele dizer que não sabe criar nada, só destruir)" (poético).

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minha contribuição atrasada pro :P

(❤️+🔁 se puder)

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ei ei povo!olha essa anjinha! minha contribuiçao para o desse semana😗
(🔃+❤)e pd marcar outros desenheiros tbm😁

desenheiros incribles marcados pero que sí👨

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