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Me, from June 2019
Don't know how many tears flowed.
Today's artist is from HongKong but based in Sweden: the talented Gigi Chong! Read her full interview:
And don't forget to check out our Kickstarter at:
#kickstarter #depression #iianthologies #iidepression #mentalhealth
found time to draw while taking a break from midterm prep (Ironically for a course on Chinese political culture) #MeiWithHongKong
Stay strong, Hong Kong! 🇭🇰
#overwatch #mei #meiwithhongkong #meisupportshongkong #freehongkong #liberatehongkong #democracyforhk
Japanese artist #YoshitomoNara's monumental #painting as well as the largest work by the artist ever sold at #auction, Knife Behind Back, fetched HK$196 m (US$25 m) at #Sotheby's contemporary evening sale in #HongKong last weekend, smashing the artist's previous auction record.
Mei says that Hong Kong should be liberated! Be like her, she supports human rights and freedom!
#LiberateHongKong #FreeHongKong #FreeHK #BoycottBlizard #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #自由香港 #free香港 #光复香港时代革命 #香港人加油
I’m not the best artist. I only have time to make something quick. But I’ll be damned if I won’t add my #FreeHongKong #fanart to the pile.
#blizzard #BoycottBlizzard #MeiSupportsHongKong #Mei
Freedom is worth fighting for
#MeiWithHongKong #MeiWithHongKong #MeiForHK #StandWithHongKong #StandwithHK #FreeHongKong #liberateHK #HongKongProstests #Blizzardboycott #overwatch #mei
#MeiWithHongKong #MeiSupportsHongKong #FreeHongKong (reupload cuz borked pics ☹)
Day 4: Freeze
Fanart of Mei started by a Hong Kong hearthstone player getting banned for supporting the protests in his country by gaming company, Blizzard. Look up this topic if you aren't in the know.
#Inktober2019 #OverwatchMei #BoycottBlizzard
Felt like designing a new skin for the ever-so-lovely Mei from #Overwatch . What do you guys think, @Blizzard_Ent ? :)))
#BoycottBlizzard #BlizzardBoycott #MeiSupportsHongKong
My contribution for #BoycottBlizzard #FreeHongKong #MeiSupportsHongKong
I won't be supporting Blizzard unless they have a change of heart, but I can't see that happening. Thoughts to all the hard workers at Blizzard who participated in the walk out and those protesting in HK
Those who do not understand "respect" at all will certainly not understand what "freedom of speech" is.
#AntChiNazi #Fascism #FreeHongKong