Pat Cummings always shares the best cartoons! Makes my day!

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I'm back and ready to make some kickass cartoons! Get yourself some art here:

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Stu-boy and Piv-Boy by was on this past weeks Saturday Morning Cartoons! I...

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Make sure you're following for lots of hilarious Cartoons! Also the man behind my new profile pic!

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SUPER Kid-friendly SUPERhero Cartoons! Aw Yeah

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Trying something completely different: using Photoshop & Illustrator to clean & colour my hand drawn cartoons!

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One of my fave childhood cartoons! Goaty's illustration; "Thundercats"

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Yes, the Cheese's cartoons! Also, to refer to your Mum as crusty and ancient? ;)

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My Mum (creative, funny & kind)! Has unwaivering faith in me (& my crazy cartoons!) ;)

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