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Gintama poster in this month's Animage with just Gintoki this time, still manages to be wild and detailed 🏆

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Toshiro & Gintoki poster of them in summer clothes 👌🏻

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if you eat too much sugar it'll go straight to your balls and make them explode...!!

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Would never imagine this was about a crab that they didn't want to share together 😂

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finished drawing for a cup
here have a sweet Gintoki next one is Hijikata OvO/♡♡♡♡

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No limits but found this so funny and amusing, a fight using gintokis testicles, why 😂
Poor Gintoki had his balls crushed

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Only Gintama would make a full 3 episodes of Gintoki and Katsura becoming cats and Kondo a gorilla😂

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No words for this except hilarious,you've got to love Sougo always acting so cool & smart😂Love him

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The ship though!! Gintoki and Tsukyo all the way 😍 they just go together so well !

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" This anime may use a lot of toilet humour but there's a line you don't cross!" 😂👌🏻

This episode was hilarious

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Love how this is just Katsura stroking sadaharu but it is weird when you realise it's Gintoki 😂
Katsura loves animals 😍

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Sadaharu just stealing all the bottle while Gintoki needed it the most , the scream pic though😂

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He's the only one being made fun of ofcourse it would be shinpachi or patchy 😂

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This episode 😂 Gintoki looks so strange with hardly any hair..

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This episode😍
Amazing, it brought Toshi & Gintoki closer as they had to spend a day with each other , loved it!

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Sougo is such a troublemaker but that's why he's amazing , fair play to Hijikata throwing Gintoki onto the ground aswell 😂

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Hijikata having to ask his worse nightmare for a favour😂
Gintoki's reaction is classic

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This ep was so cruel ,was rooting for Hasegawa, so fucked up that false hope he got 😂
Poor Gintoki too, this was just mean

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