sorry had to fix it >~< Hehe so cute ! Sub-zero, Scorpion, Cyberfox and Smoke chibi GIF drawings I did Hope you guys like it :3 💙🧡😍

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Русь матушка бл@ть
Raiden11- author [ Tumblr ]

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it's about to be love day
does anyone wanna give you teddies ?

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Tomas just having a smoke break after training. Too lazy for backgrounds tadaa!

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2015 vs 2019...😰 I don’t like looking at my old drawings 😩😩😩😩

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Last night I dreamt Sub Zero made it to but he looked like this

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I gotta give some love to my NRS friendos, so have a tiny Mileena test

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I know this a loooong shot but from my indie game Kasaka & The Origins of Ashanti as a guest to 🤓👍🏾👊🏾

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Finished the partner piece for my earlier fan art. Mostly the version like Scorpion, but I also snagged the glowy ice arms and eyes from some previous Sub iterations.

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Did these a few years back and thinking of redoing em,what do you guys think?

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Go Go Kitty Ranges X3 Hehe they all look so cute 😍💙 I just want to protect little Sub-zero 💙😊

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