another piece of Persona 5 pixel art is done! This time Ann dressed as Carmen.

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Hemen duzue belaunaldi berri baten amets gaiztoetan agertuko den irudia... BASOLATIK BERRI ONIK EZ! Asiskoren gidoiarekin marrazten nabilen sailaren 5. kapitulua Xabiroi komiki aldizkariaren hurrengo zenbakian eskuragarri 😉😉😉 Harpidetu!!

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a panther inspired outfit for ! god this was a lot of fun thank you for letting me design an outfit for her

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Selling czechoslovakian wolfdog design by
Comes with an additional icon image.
Comment below or DM if you're interested!

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ocs (Ansel Avakian + Calder Dimaggio) ♠️♦️
same universe/ backstory of my webcomic, 30 years prior to the events of Q$

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My attempt at the Leakira/ Akiandro thing I really like this AU and I will always love Klance so I’ll be drawing both!! It’s so FUN!
I’m still working on Akira But I don’t have time to finish it because of work again so I’m hoping to get it done soon

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I so dig that headcanon akira has natural white hair (galras are weird like that) and dyes it black, leadro totally helps him out
voltron reboot au started by and

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本日いよいよ最終日 !心残りはありませんか?来るべき夏の盛りに向けて素敵なあれこれ加えていただけたら♪夏ならではの着物ライフを満喫されてください♪#浴衣inLaforet

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Majka from the planet Gurun.She is the main character of "She Fell from the Sky" (Spadla z oblakov), an old Czechoslovakian TV show from my childhood, an probably the first "scifi" I saw. Second one was Alien.

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Mi versión del coloreado del primer día de la HiguelWeek con el Team Sakian

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