A quote from her chill stream of her doing her 1000% splatoon run .v.
Don't try and impersonate people just to get attention, "be you, and always be you" - CallieMacN 2018

You work very hard to reach where you are now, and I'm very happy for ya!
Goooooo Callie!!

13 100

Attention, StarGazers: May the FOURTH be with you! Force Master concentrated Midi-chlorian on the canvas to create a new work of art for you! AQW Set! AQ3D Star Gazer Title! Where did his motivation come from, any guesses?

24 103

Attention, bataille d'oreillers imminente.

Art by NCMares :

1 7

Attention, Shoppers: You asked for it, we made it happen. The AQWorlds Battle Card Game and the Card ClasherClass Is BACK! The PRE-ORDER is now Live! Get yours while supplies last!

38 107

A poem by Author Kurt Cyrus
My temperature is rising.
My nose is getting hot.
Attention, please! I'm going to sneeze
a burst of flaming snot.

I'm not a naughty dragon.
That's why it's such a shame
when every little speck of spittle
sparks a raging flame.

0 4

May I have your Attention,

0 3

Today I (finally) drew
I'm not too much interested in makeup, but his got my attention, they are really so beautiful and aesthetic! Take a look to his gallery! (And hit the follow button, real worth it)
Hope you like it!!

24 80

my boy ayden getting some attention, doing nathan maybe tomorrow, 'cause i wanna draw them hardcore snuggling but i gotta get used to drawing 'em first

0 1

Une voix vous murmure : "Attention, chéri, ça va couper !"

Art by d0minica :

1 3

Attention, Shoppers: Do you fight for Good? Will you battle to protect Lore from ancient and powerful Evils? Then Laken, Leader of the Seraphic Paladins wants YOU to join the Order! Show your allegiance to the Seraphic Paladin Order T-Shirt.

18 69

Faites pas attention, c'est juste mon perso principal d'une histoire qui j'espère verra le jour avant ma mort !
En gros c'est un shaman qui voit les esprits.
ca coute rien et ça serait très mignon de le voir dessiné par Choko Dessine du coup je tente !

0 3

Sazae-Oni: Pirates who rescued a woman from the sea vied for her attention, but soon found she was willing to have sex with all of them, cutting their testicles off afterwards.

3 11

Updating stuff!
You can find me at:
If you can't afford buying stuff from me, I also have a Ko fi account:

Thank you very much for your attention, dearies! <3

1 2

My son needs more attention, so I drew a picture of him (And no, you’re not imagining a bisexual colour scheme :o!!)
Click on the drawing to see the transparent background~

0 3

Attention, c'est le White Day aujourd'hui ! Au Japon, c'est le jour où les garçons donnent des chocolats aux filles comme remerciements des cadeaux offerts lors de la Saint-Valentin 💘
De qui aimeriez-vous recevoir des chocolats ? :)

11 50

Neo would like your attention, Tukson...
Literal Sundae is too weird and I love it.

0 0
🏹Archery Lesson🏹
Pfff, I'm afraid the student isn't quite... paying attention, haha.

60 248

- Et ça, c'est ce qu'on appelle un "rond".
- ...
- Qu'on peut aussi appelé "cercle", attention, c'est la même chose.

21 37

He wasnt paying attention, sorry, he was listening to the Days of Green.

17 45