Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the itunes store

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the Google play store

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I took one of my sleeping meds and I'm starting to feel it.

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Started from the Psych Meds, Now I’m Fucked

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the itunes store

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the Google play store

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the Google play store

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the Google play store

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Get a new post delivered everyday - Maya's Daily Meds app in the itunes store

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awright awright I'm done messing around with this now XP couldn't do much that even on meds though.

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Pinkamena Diane Pie is off her meds again ^__^

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Me. Sick. As an illustration. Done under the influence of cold meds.

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I created Momo in one of my apps! Momo is so lost with out her meds lol

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