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Take 'er hand and step into a world of wonder~! The Bizarre? Circus Event is now open, ladies an' gents! #dreamgf
You what? Some o' your mates ain't playing DG yet?! What are you waiting for?! Invite 'em and win stuff~!
A beauty of a Special Gacha has gone live~! "School Festival Days", 30NP a pop! Will you be 'er Romeo~? #dreamgf
Wasshoi-wasshoi~! Not long now 'til the Midway Rankin' is gone and done! Don't let that pretty kitty go~! #dreamgf
The erm... Fireworks somethin' event is, uhh... still going, and... Blimey, that outfit...! #KobayashiLikey #dreamgf
'Ello 'ello! Looks like we've got some brand-spankin'-new avatars in the App Packs. Spooky stuff! #dreamgf
Alright ladies an' gents! Don't forget to grab these yan-tastic outfits before they leave the NP Gacha! #dreamgf
Event Second Half Now Open & Gacha Bonus Campaign now on! Get yer hands on the Fox Beauty series! #dreamgf
Don't forget ladies an' gents! The Midway Ranking's ending soon, so get getting those points, my beauties! #dreamgf
Dream Girlfriend is now available on App Store and Google Play! Give it a play, go on! You know you wanna! #dreamgf
Bossy personality is an all-round strong character. Don't be fooled by that cute face. She knows. She knows. #dreamgf
Princess personality is a woman of nobility, class and traditions, stuck in an all-too modern present day. #dreamgf
Yandere personality is... is...? She's staring at me... I-I think she doesn't want me near you... Help me~! #dreamgf
Sweet personality is too cute for words. She's so cute, she she almost sings when she speaks, hehe~♪ #dreamgf
Tsundere personality is a perfect mix of "tsun" and "dere". She loves me, she loves me not, she loves me... #dreamgf
Intelligent personality is an expert in her field - every field. Always studying, always learning more. #dreamgf
Pure personality is filled with wonder, like an angel from heaven, and just as honest and true. #dreamgf
Gentle personality is relaxed, calm, never speaks ill of others and has never been known to get angry. #dreamgf
Tomboy personality is a rough-and-tumble ball of energy. She loves excitement, action, and having fun! #dreamgf