Look deep into nature & then you will understand everything better-Einstein

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“We don't inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children.”
David Brower

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Books Were Once Trees 8x10 / My new is finding its way deeper & deeper into my heart

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Happy Earth Day!
Attempted Bloggery: Today's Earth Day Sponsor http://t.co/zekkECNsu4

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SLOTH is a sea otter! Fur has to be wonderful to keep warm during long naps! 5/7

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From all of us here at Inquisition Earth! Even the Martians.

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GLUTTONY is a honey bee! You can bet she took the job just for the honey. 7/7

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PRIDE is a mantis shrimp! Never pick on those who handle big and sharp scythes. 6/7

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LUST is a red-capped manakin! Bright colors and charming moves, love weapons! <3 4/7

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ENVY is a komodo dragon! Helps to be big and cold-blooded to get what you desire... 3/7

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GREED is a giant squid! 8 arms is nice if you like to loot everything around you! 2/7

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Celebrate with landscapes from 4 continents by Katharine Le Hardy, Piers Ottey, Nick Bodimeade & Phil Tyler

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Wrath is a honey badger! If a sword wasn't enough dangerous, give her sharp teeth! 1/7

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Happy everybody. Take care of our planet!

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