画質 高画質

umaru. pernah pas telat dateng ke sekolah ditanyain temen kenapa telat, pas jawab tadi pagi kena penyakit mager pada kaget "KAMU BISA MAGER?!?"

sering bgt ngantuk di kelas dikirain guru karena belajar sampe malem padahal karena baca fanfic (belok pula) sampe jam 2 pagi 😌😌

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must not😔pull for you😔R itaru...😔

132 278

Subete ga f ni naru.
Nobody talks about it...

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Ya tardaba yo en dibujar a Sesshomaru. Le quiero mucho aunque no sepa escribir bien su nombre.

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リクエストありがとう御座いました🥰麗く出来たか謎ではありますが、殺生丸です✨通常時と、ちょっと犬化/Thank you for the request!Sesshomaru. https://t.co/fkXThrKeX1

152 819

Toko Fukawa: The absolute fucking top of the heap, most fleshed-out character in the franchise taking into account Ultra Despair Girls and its absolute onslaught of brilliant dialogue scenes between Toko and Komaru. Also, she transforms into a serial killer when she sneezes.

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And there's the moment Rem fans have been waiting for, where Subaru admits to Rem being just as important to him as Emilia. Emilia rightfully calls him out on his sleaziness after that big declaration of love to her, but doesn't pursue the matter out of respect for Rem & Subaru.

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My revenge for !! ✨🌙
I like Haru... He is soft 😭

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オモコロストアのグッズも死ぬ程可愛いどうする? ゴブリンみたいな食い方して胃腸炎になったARu..と高熱出して寝込んでるのに電子レンジ欲しくなって家電量販店まで買いに行っちゃった恐...だ....

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Nasi Tumpeng ala Oozora Subaru.
Hanya nasi kuning, kentang, dan bunga.
Benar benar makanan tradisional, hehe :b

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BEFORE I FORGET happy nb day to my nb oni oc taru...... 💛🤍💜🖤

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Magnificent art of the Rutian Twi’lek Jedi Master Aayla Secura by KaRolding on DeviantArt! Aayla specialized as a Jedi Guardian and mastered the fourth form of lightsaber combat, Ataru. She also had skill in Form V, as well as dual blade swordplay.

15 97


I'm Celeste Gamble, and I build worlds🌍
(Sr. Environment Artist at SANZARU...
check out for Oculus)

Portfolio: https://t.co/PjpomxtIwn

(I love connecting with artists, art aficionados, and curious folk!)

89 317

Sup! I'm Haru.

I'm a beginner artist that enjoys drawing furry stuff! Mostly bears because I find them awesome xD!

Still have a long way to go tho'

12 46

Une pensée à Osaka qui avait commencé à écrite un mémoire un jour en 2004, que son PC a fait "BLIP BLIP BLIP BLIP BLIP" et que tout son mémoire a disparu.

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Hello ! I’m Zitharu. I like drawing cats. Sometimes dogs, but mostly cats :)

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Yang paling baru.. (0 w 0"

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