smh joining this shit late but here are my lesbos and token male character(s)

37 259

Hello! I'm saco😃
I'll introduce my OC. They are the main characters of my comics. The girl with yellow hair is Akiho(秋扇) and the girl with black hair is Fuyuka(ふゆか).
I'm embarrassed because there are only old pictures💦

17 64

I'm April and all I really do is draw my ocs because I love them more then anything. I've got every type from heroes to villains, fantasy to futuristic ect. I'm always willing to talk about my ocs and hear more about yours! <3

14 34

im a horrible mom but i swear i love my 549542 ocs

24 157

hello I'm izzy and ocs are the only thing I ever care to draw please love them as much as I do also I'm sorry these are only busts I'm weak and lazy

9 26

as an artist whose content is 98% OCs...thank you
Im emotional I love my kids...and I have so many...

3 6

Huuufffffff some oldies I need to draw them more
1- Leonard, Hani
2- Tan
3+4- Sunha

7 24

I SAW THIS THING N i love it, i have thousands of oc (i still haven't draw most of them ohoh) n i keep making moRE I LOVE THEM SO MUCH

i want them to have friends too hHHHH

1 12

a few of my fictional children✨✨

1 11

I’m Ollie, all I draw is OCs if not designs for adopts! I really need to get around do full body basic refs for ‘em. I have about as many humanoid oc’s as non, mostly dragons...lmao

I have too many mains to fit so just picked some choice kids

0 3

hi I primarily draw characters and build worlds and stories for them in my head

you can look at them here:

18 63

Hi I'm Goo and i love looove LOVE drawing my babbies 😊💖💖

7 49

I have too many OCs, and I need more, i love all of them Q vQ

1 8

👀Hiii, I'm Donovan, I like to make weird humans and monsters, they're just [Marge voice] neat! And sometimes I make comics about them because that's also neat!!

9 22

Hiya I have a lot of ocs and not enough time and/or hands to draw all of them _(:3 」∠)_

5 11

it's apparently

i'm selkie and these are my children YEAAA ✨✨✨

[koniku, mari, ribsss, yeying]

1 5