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Trate de imitar el estilo de la creadora de the puppeeter , es que me encanta ese estilo de dibujo que tiene ( ꈍᴗꈍ)

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Minha amiga Vandalla007 me ajudou a fazer o acabamento😔👉👈 e ficou isso

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The Promised Neverland - S2 - Episode 6


ça fait tellement plaisir de revoir Norman qui nous apprend pas mal de choses et qui redonne de l'espoir au groupe. Mais Emma n'est pas tout à fait prête à suivre son plan...

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tpn spoilers !!
screenshot redraws cuz the new ep made me cry 💔

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...and of course, to complete the trio, here's the great Norman 🦉 a warm welcome back to him. hope you like this one moots (::^ω^::)

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“The Promised Neverland” Season 1 & 2 Original Soundtrack Cover Art (Textless + HD). Textless done by me. Enjoy!

4 46

Of course the manga did it better, but I'm still happy they included it.

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I can't believe we actually got their conversation from ch122/123! I love how the sun rises as Ray's optimism helps restore Emma's confidence & quite literally lifts her spirits. I enjoyed this change very much! And THEM! I absolutely love them!!

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Seeing both Ray slap Norman and the trio hug like this has made me so happy. I love them all so much!!

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Is it just me or Emma didn't feel like emma in this episode?

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