画質 高画質

Okay take a final glance at the background before i accidentally ruin everything
Critiques about the cursed building are heavily and desperately welcome

0 6

As always your suggestions, feedback and critique is greatly appreciated!

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You know what I've never really had my art critiqued, I've honestly been afraid of it. So I would like for all of my art mutuals to come out and give constructive criticism for some of my recent art. It would be much appreciative.

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L'esprit critique (chez ) en réimpression, ça fait bien plaisir ! Il reste très peu de stocks de la première édition, foncez ! 😍🥳💙

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A Cold Desert Night (Open To Critiques) via /r/DigitalArt https://t.co/Q83vCH4Ehp

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Heya, I'm Bat/Cat Hybrid, I'm down to stream anything that takes my fancy. Also do review and critiques IRL. Art done by & .

Main YT

Gaming YT


2 6

Not much going on art wise right now, so here's a little WIP

As always your suggestions, feedback and critique is greatly appreciated!#WIP

1 14

Need a I have 2 openings next month, either prose or verse (yes, even https://t.co/UwQr7tguMU

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Otome Game |

Même si tous les chemins mènent à la damnation, ce n'est pas une raison pour laisser la bad end lui arriver en pleine face !


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Critique rapide : Lu et approuvé ! C'est très drôle, sexy et agréablement charmant ! Quand j'ai refermé le manga, j'ai eu un grand sourire qui s'est dessinée sur mon visage ! J'aime le concept et Kiyoshi est si cute, j'adore vivement la suite ! Je recommande !

2 11

Salut ! Je me suis lancé il y’a peu, je fais des OC pour un futur projet et aussi du fan art
(je suis encore en phase d’entraînement et de recherche de style, donc je suis très ouvert aux conseils et critiques)

3 6

Got these bits of dragons and things! Any critique is cool!

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I FINISHED IT! Started over on a new sculpt, this new one took 5ish hours total. No more crunchy meshes. critiques for adding more realistic anatomy to it?

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Once again my incredible agent is generously offering her time & talent to ACT (Against Child Trafficking) by donating ONE FREE QUERY LETTER CRITIQUE! 🎉 To enter:
💜 Donate ANY amount through the link.
💜 Retweet!
(Winner 📢 May 17th)

18 33

The Free-For-All is only 2 days away!

You have until Wednesday, April 28th, 12:00pm (noon) CDT to submit your Annamite striped art.

Catch the live critique Thursday, April 29th, 7:00pm CDT to see the entries!

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I am Vinny, a humble Human pally who loves drawing Big tiddies. Des Vult.

Still learning and seek other artists for critique and fun. Also super Ty to for helping me improve


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I get my design critique where I can get it. Part 1/2

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La Craft Essence ★5 Blooming in the Akane Sky offrira un bonus d'Idolium Points au Servant équipé (+30/60% si MLB).

Blooming in the Akane Sky ★5

- Applique l'effet Sure Hit
- Augmente les dégâts critiques de 10-15%
- Charge la jauge NP de 30-50%

0 1

En vrai jcritique absolument pas, les Tanksonas sont adorables et jtrouve ca chou que ca ait popilarisé le personnage de Tankman uwu

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