hakurei reimu, ibuki suika, kirisame marisa, and kochiya sanae (touhou) by saisarisu

2 6

first time draw a digital drawing on I pad tab...mix with original picture

41 87

Drawing some Christmas gifts. Here's one for my friend Ichiyama on DA!

0 0

More inspiration, one of my favorite Japanese artists from the late 1800's beautiful :)

7 26

【Info】KICKSのオリジナル楽曲『believe in you,believe in me』ジャケット画像が公開されました。KICKSにはSAKUこと檜山、CHIYAこと珠洲乃が参加しています。

201 391

Touhou 11 Subterranean Animism icons (8/9)
Extra Stage midboss, Sanae Kochiya

4 6

Mountain of Faith icons (7/9)
Fifth stage boss, Sanae Kochiya

3 4

I just found this in my folders. It's most handsome.

1 1

Tao Tsuchiya, Yamazaki Kento, Ryo Ryusei ~~ Live-Action "orange" (December 12)

53 17

1分後の私 (やべぇヘッドホンつけてる。ツッキーだ)
5分後の私 (恐竜大好き物知り少年…ツッキーだ)
エンドロールの時の私 (KOUKI UCHIYAMA)

23 129

Session FT abs (3/5) 😏Ichiya😘 best FT abs ever 😏

4 17

⚡️When you try to sleep but Ichiya(❤️)says "MENNN!!" upon you⚡️

9 27

PARANOIA GIRLS is the kind-of, sort-of prequel to HYPERSONIC, featuring art by Yunico Uchiyama

5 10