. : "Si todo va bien, [Kagerou Days sale en abril" (http://t.co/Cm9FkDnqm0)

33 21

Kagerou Days y Triage X, nuevas licencias de http://t.co/R4i2EzYUbj

51 30

Ene is the best Kagerou character

5 9

The new art from Kagerou Project by Shidu appears on the cover, inside on a page, and on an extra large poster.

1 7


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[Moe bot][#4517] I have a new ship to ship, Kidomomo is life! [#kagerouProject]

7 7

Hmmm, Kagerou crossover. too mature orz

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Azami for Kagerou Day

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Y otra de las requests que me hicieron, Kousuke Seto de Kagerou Project!

15 21

Ce devait être un duo avec Shitaro à l’origine mais j’ai changé d’idée ^^;

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Un dibujo de Kagerou Days, nunca me cansaré de dibujar a estos dos :'D

17 26

Ive been watching Mekaku City Actors. Compared 2 the manga(Kagerou Project)its a bit err..haha But i find it unique

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I've tried to portray his eyes, just so sad 〜TvT〜

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