画質 高画質

2010 vs 2020

2010: shy and invisible wallflower, the good kid you could push around. Never dared to do anything that could get her into trouble

2020: new hair color every 3-6 months (always returns to blue), will question and fight authorities, "where did we go wrong with you?" https://t.co/VoPI48IecR

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2016: just getting out of a horrible relationship, super long hair, depressed but didnt know it
2020: cute short hair, now in a GREAT relationship, depressed but at least I'm aware, mostly comfortable in my own body https://t.co/LzMFzdUNIx

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2016 v. 2020

2016: Worked 9-5 jobs. Unhappy. Not rlly working on my art. Had trust/hope. Budding socialist. Unsure of sexuality.

2020: 100% freelance artist. Fighting despair. Def anarchist of some kind. Broken. Trust with caution. F*** the system. Just wants to draw. https://t.co/s3JpoYvx4K

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2016: broke, used literally every last penny i had to move to a better city, had no local friends
2020: in a bigger flat in the same city, surrounded by friends, back studying something i feel hopeful about, setting myself better work/hobby balances. also +1 gf. 💙 https://t.co/vJ651HMw59

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😖"2010" VS 2020😒

2010: HS Jr-Sr; Shy/quite, didn't want to mess things up. Too good for her own good.

2020: Will tell you to fuck off. Why you staring Karen? Going to show up to PNG Soccer Try-Outs to stare down the coach who gave me PTSD & is refusing to let my sister play. https://t.co/4VUhcOqVTh

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2016: 17-year old animal welfare college student that’s started exploring her shit wannabe goth fashion sense and then got depressed.

2020: 21-year old illustration university student and just taking each day as they go. Stopped trying to have a style and now wears comfortable https://t.co/NxHqLfmR2c

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so this is kinda cool and cute;

2016: I was a big, shy weirdo who was always awkward and down on himself...

2020: still down on myself, but I have more confidence, I've found my true romantic standing, and I'm getting better at the things I do!! https://t.co/ypOh9EVrJg

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2016 v 2020

2016: Freshman in college, anxious, insecure about artwork & starting art school
2020: College graduate, freelance artist part time with full time day job, actually able to wear what I want to wear and be proud of it ! https://t.co/wk0vpmHXOo

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2016: A beautiful girl full of hopes and dreams

2020: that https://t.co/xOXVRRnT0O

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2016: 17-year old junior college student that’s starting to be more confident and outgoing with her shit fashion sense.

2020: 21-year old broke slob than throws on whatever’s on top of her drawers.

I’m not that adventurous with hair either. Cut it short once but prefer long. https://t.co/mhjAQufxUv

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✨2016 vs 2020✨

2016: a sophomore in college who was quiet, shy, hid in her extremely hair when she was nervous. Didn't really know who she was yet.

2020: a working and independent gal who enjoys dyeing her hair way too much! Not as shy and afraid as before. Doing her best! https://t.co/51zLeW7WMx

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2016 vs 2020//

2016: I was 24 and trying rlly hard to be goth
2020: I'm now 28 and realize I actually love colors 🤣 https://t.co/eenoYEiKEh

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2016 v. 2020

2016: Fresh out of highschool...Still trying to discover myself, wore mostly black and was still a bit insecure and unsure of who I was.

2020: Confident NB bean who doesn’t care about what people think. Most of the time 😅 https://t.co/VNtNGnvdkG

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20??: graduated hs. wears stripes only. determined

2020: forgets she exists sometimes. refuses to wear shoes but maker doesn't have sandals so

https://t.co/ZQ0HUxWLs2 https://t.co/pkHVjfX5wz

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2016: finishing up my last year of college. Extremely depressed and in a crumbling 4 year relationship. Loss of all motivation and didn't quite care about my future.

2020: Medicated. Moved out. Dealing with the cards I've been dealt. Going with the flow of life. Happily bi. https://t.co/IzETjGMtNP

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2016: just graduated from hs. filled to the brim with hubris. purple for camilla reasons

2020: graduated from baby goth to adult refined goth but the flash game doesnt have enough clothes options. still full of hubris and also bread https://t.co/qeil184ZN1

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2016: Long hair to hide behind, internalized lesbophobia, closeted heavily but came out as bi later in the year, homophobic highkey, religious as hell, sick & undiagnosed

2020: cut off all hair, gay ass enby lesbian, out & proud, no homophobia OR religion, recovering & diagnosed https://t.co/hFB1EmkBr5

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2016: internalised homophobia, figuring out my gender identity, no confidence in my self which caused a lot of sadness, met some of my best friends.

2020: out to all my friends, non-binary and go by they/them, have the bestest friends, growing in confidence!! A lot happier ❤️

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2016: Still in Uni and I am slowly declining trying to meet certain expectations while simultaniously trying to not meet others

2020: Just doing whatever lmao

https://t.co/kZsRL0Emgc https://t.co/vuHLNR5mVf

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