I'll leave you with this pic. (Noooo,schooollll...) D:

2 5

Admit it, all of you died of adorableness here.

12 14

I'll leave you with this while I fangirl and yay and cheer.

3 1

Thirty-minute challenge: Philomena! The graceful and mischievous Phoenix.

1 1

You should know what I going to do now, because pic is related. ^^

2 2

Hurry! Adopt a Pinkie Pie! Let's see how many are going to.

6 7

One of my OC's, Vanilla Latte. As you can see, her cutie mark is three coffee beans.

1 1

Last one for awhile. I'd like to thank 343 special who call themselves my followers. :) You guys rock.

1 2

I have no idea why so many hate on Celestia.You say 'love & tolerate',yet hate on her.What?Pic related.

3 1

This is awesome. Yes, I'm a muffin. No, this is not a ship. Yes, you rock. :D

2 1

Let's see how many would want to adopt her. :3

1 3

'Becoming the talk, the talk of all of Canterlot~' -Rarity, Becoming Popular. Have a pic, ! :3

1 2

I'll leave you with some assassin ponies. Derp later.

4 6

Sweet mother of Luna! 10 followers in an hour,15 more to 300! :D You are awesome. Have a Carrot Top. *LOUIS*

1 2

For those who want or need it, here's my header picture. ^^

1 4

Here's a crossover for and XD

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Okay, fine. One more, for you to d'aww. :3 Do it.

5 1