Komi-san and Strawberry shortcake..

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I somehow ended up drawing Komi-san in Attack on titan, I don't know how but here it is.

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Aslinya WIP komisan ini tp hue hue hue

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okay last post, happy belated birthday tadano and im very sorry for the cat

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Chibi Komi san on her lovely lavander dress!

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The month is October, which means it’s nearly Halloween. So, I’m gonna work on this.

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I really don't know what aesthetic was better.... but yeah yeah oh yeah yeah


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Cant wait for an anime adaptation, probably one of my favorite manga series of all time

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Shouko Comi and Shūko Nimi in the snow by u/_capedbaldy

[Komi-san wa, Komyushō desu]

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Karyaku! Tes upload disini soalnya kangen zonkar 😭 ini hasil komisan waktu bulan....kemarin kayaknya??????

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Samurai Komi back for another fight! This turned out surprisingly good for what I initially thought. Lighting and shadows really make a huge difference.

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makasih udah ngadain give away kak.. ^^

alasanku butuh pentabnya karena pentab yg sekarang butuh diganti dan tidak begitu compatible dengan beberapa software yg baru. belum bisa beli yang baru dan lebih bagus karena uang komisan digunakan untuk kebutuhan keluarga sehari2.

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Here is some cute komi for everyone!, really simple still trying to get used about posting my art lol

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