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Who doesn't like child Stolas?

2 15

So Stolas raptors himself off the couch, another shot from the trailer and it's cute! He's overwhelmed and trying to process this while Blitz gives chase! Looks like a game now~!

4 48

Stolas is now like "Whoa, what happened to that cute little boy who wanted to run his own circus? That's a huge one-eighty I didn't see coming..." and trying to be accepting, but he's a little uncomfortable, which is hilarious and cute

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So now our thief is coming up with a plan to be able to get the book and distract Stolas, and since he's now perceived Stolas' half-teasing as attraction (he isn't wrong, mind you!), he can play to that a little bit...

3 51

"Uhhh... you?" (He didn't say "ew"!) Now he's just confused, not put off or disgusted. I think we'd know if he was! He's just wondering how Stolas came to such a conclusion, understandably so! But it's also an out, since he doesn't now the REAL intention

3 49

Blitz was NOT expecting that! The shocked expression, going "Uhhh...", being completely frozen in place says it all. I mean, he wasn't expecting Stolas to recognise him, but he's been caught trying to break in and rob him. No wonder he's confused at what Stolas believes!

4 49

Now fetchingly draped against the wall, Stolas goes in with some half-serious teasing while coming out of his shell and being more playful
"You were here to rrrravish me, weren't you?"

3 46

When Stolas cuts him off, Blitz now looks taken aback and worried. Yet, he keeps following, he keeps going and doesn't try running away! Whether because he knows it's futile or he refuses to back down, it's a step in the right direction! He's definitely worried, though

3 46

American Gothic except the couple hates each other! Admittedly, Stolas' bored/pissed off expression where he looks so DONE with this is admittedly pretty hilarious! Couldn't possibly look anymore miserable!

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"Follow me, -imp-." Stolas says, all cool and calm. And to be fair, he doesn't remember the name fully! Blitz still doesn't look scared, even when he gets up to follow! Maybe he figures if Stolas wanted to kill him, he already would have? Either way, he's not scared!

3 45

Blitz looks him up and down... Probably realizing just how TALL Stolas has become now that he's not being held up... or drinking in how hot he is~ Maybe both? Still not scared, just surprised

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As I mentioned before, Stolas now has the same look on his face that he did when first meeting lil' Blitzo in person! Sans the blush (for now)! He's clearly having to process the fact he's seeing his first friend again for the first time in 25 years and feels so much

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Octavia Week Day 1(Music/Hobbies):
I drew Octavia in a music themed escapism with her trying to drown out all the chaos around her in her life but particularly the issues between her parents Stella and Stolas

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I COLORED STOLAS!!!! Think I could have done it better but I only just starred digital like, a day or two ago so- in time lmao

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Sorry for the repost but can finally fix the problem here they have the olw and the possum whit a fucking adorable maid dress 💕💞#HelluvaBoss

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