[White Christmas ホワイトクリスマス] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

2 8

[The Thrill of Taiko 和太鼓の魅力] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

6 17

[Scarlet Lyra 緋色のライラ] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

5 25

Happy birthday to Afterglow's relaxed, mature and caring drummer who loves taiko and ramen as well as Ako's big sister, Tomoe Udagawa!

5 15

[Wedding Crasher 結婚式の乱入者] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

5 26

[Bonds That Bloom On Board 船上に芽生える絆] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

9 13

[Onstage ステージ] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

3 8

[Favourite Phrase フェイバリットフレーズ] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

5 17

[An Eternal Sunset 永遠の夕日] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

8 17

[Exciting Premonition ワクワクの予感] Udagawa Tomoe(宇田川巴)

16 40


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