2016>2017>2019 (lighting/backgrounds)

i didn't do much in 2015 and also oh my god i made rita look like she was surrounded by hair in 2016

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I've been seeing this going around so I thought I would post my progress.

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2010>2016>2019 Desert study edition

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The first pic was done with a track pad :3

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Bassically 2016>2017>2018
xD/ My resolution this 2019 is making detailed illustration with complex background

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thank goodness I've improved

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Idk, I'm too lazy to find better comparisons...

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Another one because damn I haven’t looked at my old work in so long 😂 2014>2016>2018

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Ok I am hopping on this bandwagon: 2012 > 2016> 2019. Wild

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2014>2016>2018! Aka I slowly lost color in my life lmao

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tried to pick some similar nature scenes

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Evolution of Cheebs throughout the years also cause why not
2009 > 2012> 2016> 2019

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that is. quite the difference isn't it. I think I'm finally starting to get a grasp on colors lmao

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I drew a lot of voltron and then i learned how bodies worked and i was edgy. Improvement

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