Foul Fiends & Malcontents: John Wildman- serial revolutionary. Leading Leveller at Putney(1647), anti-Cromwellian plotter(1655), Rye House plotter (1683), involved in the Glorious Revolution 1688/9. Knighted & made Postmaster General by William III - sellout😉!

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In 1650 he started one of his most important projects - the Hôtel Lambert. Here he applied all his decorative skills to create an ensemble. Chancellor Séguier (1655-61), Holy Family (1655) & the Repentant Magdalene (1655)

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Born in 1637: (1637-1708), Princess & Regent of Anhalt-Dessau, daughter of Stadtholder Prince of Orange

Portrait by Johannes (1614-70), ca. 1655-65

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1655. 무모협지 - 피동손

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The Dea Barberini remained for some time one of the few examples of Roman paintings known to western scholars. It dates to the 4th c. CE and was discovered in 1655 near S. Giovanni in Laterano. The figure of Venus was restored by antiquaries as the goddess Rome (see b/w pic)

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2Fアユートブースでは、AZLA 、Acoustune 、Fender を展開。AZLAは新イヤホン AZEL (アゼル)を参考出展。またブースでAZLA製イヤホンを見せて頂いた方に先着でクリアファイルプレゼント(1日目と2日目で異なります)。AcoustuneはHS1655CUなどを展示。Fenderは NINE 2の新色タオスターコイズを参考出展。

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Youth: boys swimming near a windmill in 1655, painted by Nicolas Maes, whose day is today.

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arthouse noir: singers in a sinister setting by Jan Somer, c.1655-1705, coll. probably members of a Dutch dramatic society.

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2/2 A little girl poses as a huntress (Diana) in 1655 for Caesar van Everdingen, who died OTD in 1678.

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第1655話 娘が学校から持って帰った手紙に衝撃を受ける‼︎ ー アメブロを更新しました

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