画質 高画質

[ Commissions open! RT pls ]

Open for 3-5 slots ! Smols, chibis, YCHs, full body illustrations. Help me save up for a new drawing tablet 💖

🔗 below!

41 95


あいしゃ 18-5(休憩あり)
みこと 18-23
みや 23-5


3 12

Dinosaur Gauge

8 15




・2023 新春任務群【拡張作戦】機動部隊、縦横無尽! 編成例【新春限定任務】へ

0 0


0 0

東京八丁堀・ 美岳画廊のグループ展に参加いたします。
━ ピッコリーノ展 小さな絵画コレクション 13━
会期 : 2023 . 1 23(月)~28(土)12:00〜18:00 (最終日は17:00閉廊)
会場 :美岳画廊
東京都中央区八丁堀4-13-5 幸ビル1F

8 24


あいしゃ 18-5(休憩あり)
みこと 18-23
みや 23-5


5 11


0 2

The fact that people don't quite understand how much of a failed clone of my actual design this thing is🤣

This is Pookie, creature of scuff, originally a 3-5 minutes doodle done as an intentional failure to draw my design as a joke model reveal for April Fools Day. Now mascot🥰

0 1

~ Is cameraless Vtuber to be with doodles of a design but no model.
~ Makes joke model reveal in 3-5 minutes before stream day of April 1st
~ Expects people to hate it, and it to flop
~ Not even a month later "hi, this model is my mascot Pookie she's a creature of scuff"

0 4

🔥Pushing Boundaries 🔥3-5 These are a combination of our handcrafted glass work and various graphics we have created, plus some animation! https://t.co/cOPrcvzTDQ

2 2

“A lovely time with you” ZenNezu drawing. I hope you like this artwork. It took around 3-5 days to draw.

0 3

Goals for 2023:
Draw at least 3-5 Pieces a Month and post here
Start putting Gameplay on my YT
Get Eyes of Hell paid mostly by the end of the year
Make my friends happy
Stay as stress free as possible

I hope all of you will support me in this and I love you all

Blessed Be!

0 2

Happy New Year!!!

93 395

brain go brrr

i have not drawn in like, idk 3-5 months, and with recent issues i've been blocked even more, finally found some method and time to do anything lol

0 0

happy 2023! ⭐️
opening art commissions for a bit to try to pay off some debts 🐝
🌻opening up 3 slots for now, but will start a waiting list if interest is bigger
🌻production time 3-5 weeks
🌻rts are appreciated!
🌻examples in thread below ⬇️

18 41

Hi! I'm opening budget chibi commissions P300/$7 only. Can also do simple emotes for only P500/$10 set of 3. dm me if interested!

TAT - 3-5 days depending on queue
simple/no bg
all commercial rights included

6 7