画質 高画質

어제 새벽에 무기미도를 시작했는데.. 남국장님 이솝하고 닮아서 너무 좋은..♡ 거기다 수감자 캐릭마다 각기 다른 매력이 있고 목소리가 좋아서 듣는 재미가 쏠쏠한 것 같아요.
닉넴 : AesopCarl 이니 트친님들 하시는 분 있음 친추주세요~

1 2

you can do it aesop!!!

101 446

what is being consistent LMAO
have more dragonsop because i said so

88 256

two months since i last drew aesop… ( + yima :D)

47 269

Eli comes in to save Aesop! Pokemon AU!

8 38

<Coms Open>

He's okay, I promise. He just choked. <3
I have many HC... It's unhealthy. THE PROBLEM HERE is I can't draw it all.

49 287

I have been really wanting to draw him but then I didn't for a bit-
Now that I finally did I almost broke my computer trying to run all the overlay layers LMAO

5 16

gonna dump some doodles i don't want to post as full drawings.

1 23

I took some time to analize the dragon's designs from this essence so I could draw dragon Aesop and dragon Fred properly so here are my takes. I might be going insane

13 51