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Lil' Pix fascinated by a lil' flower.
Gift for @CoffeeFlyArt's Alolan Vulpix, Juniper!
QRT with Fave Pokémon from each Gen:
1: Gengar
2: Heracross
3: Gardevoir
4: Torterra
5: Reuniclus
6: Sylveon
7: Alolan Ninetales
8: Corviknight
9: Tinkaton https://t.co/97yO9tspJ0
PKMN lollipop charms!🍭They look suuuper edible but please don't eat them!!😂
Most of them are low in stock!!
#pkmn #eeveelution #pikachu #bulbasaur #charmander #squirtle #dragonair #alolanvulpix #hisuianzorua #alolanponyta #altaria #mew
QRT with Fave Pokémon from each Gen:
1: Butterfree
2: Meganium
3: Hariyama
4: Empoleon
5: Eelektross
6: Pangoro or Florges
7: Primarina or alolan exeggutor/Raichu
(I couldn't play the games that followed after USUM, pain) https://t.co/LsC8ulmSiJ
Ok just kidding my favourite Pokémon is still persian/alolan persian but. Fishie is up there….. he’s so shaped
and!! a regional variant of my gf's fave pokemon (raichu) with her favorite type (fairy),, since alolan raichu ate a bunch of pancakes and became psychic type i imagine this guy ate a bunch of cotton candy and became electric/fairy!! :3
Alolan and Regular Vulpix stickers drawn with a mouse 🤣 available now, below!
@synteis alolan ninetales xiu is definitely a fancy boy,,
+ his other half.. my babyboy..
A little Happy Birthday gift to @phoelipop. What's better than one Kumiko? How about a collection of Kumi, including Alolan Kumiko, Hisuian Kumiko, and of course MerKumi. Hope you enjoy this and more importantly that you have a wonderful day today. You deserve it.
A9 and Alolan Vulpix wallpaper for Christmas season ⛄❄️ featuring #PokemonUNITE new holowear 🎄 feel free to use if you want to 🤍 Happy Holidays!
#Pokemon #ポケモン
6) Favorite regional variant
EASILY alolan marowak. Idk if it counts but also that funny robot tyranitar from scavio!
Alolan marowak is so freaking badass ;_;
6. Mutha fuckin Alolan EXEGUTOR!!
is this even a question??
Did you really think it would be some kinda of wispy fox like pokemon??
...well you would also be right
But right now we are talking about this king!!!
Alolan Sandslash was my favorite because it took an old favorite and made it even cooler, but I love Hisuian Typhlosion's general vibe (plus it has one of my favorite type pairings