The chaos comes to a head in the explosive and heartfelt conclusion to the commotion of 1934! Catch Baccano!, Vol. 10 in stores on 4.23! Pre-orders are available now:

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[baccano!] death and peace!!!!

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[baccano!] i thought we were one

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[baccano!] cant believe i've never drawn them together

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[baccano!] you KNOW i had to get in on this meme

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[baccano!] christopher.... tried doing his hair differently ?

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[baccano!] i wanted to draw a nice picture of huey but heres another headshot instead

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[baccano!] first drawing of the year..!

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Favorite books: “Vengeful” and “Baccano! The Rolling Bootlegs”

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[baccano!] There's nothing but justice and love in this world

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[baccano!] [yugioh au] Luchino honors his ancestor by having a Dark Magician Girl deck. He understands the truth of the souls within cards, but not quite the truth of the past. Sometimes he feels like his Dark Magician Girl is trying to tell him something...

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[baccano!] [yugioh au] the card of Dark magician Girl is based on the character from Jean-Pierre Accardo's play. The soul of Monica Campanella now lives on in Dark Magician Girl and her love lives on.

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[baccano!] [yugioh au] starting to actually put together coherent yuguioh au stuff... in it, while Monica physically dies her soul and her love become immortal as she becomes dark magician girl.... I'll post more stuff about it + the full design another time!

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[baccano!] iconic goth couple

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[baccano!] young(?) couple Isaac and Miria want to battle!

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[baccano!] rereading the slash...

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[baccano!] we were unnatural from the start

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[Baccano!] remember to dress warm!

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