Twilight: You say something, Sweetie Belle?

Sweetie Belle: Oh, nothing~!

Lachlan: I’m hungry... *reaches into the hole again and pulls out his pancake breakfast Celestia makes him every morning*

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No one:
Me designing a humanization of Lizbert and Eggabelle: LIZ - MY GIRLFRIEND WITH GRAY HAIR AND EGG - ME WITH WHITE HAIR-

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Lachlan: *plays with Twilight*

Sweetie Belle: How are Lachlan and Twilight cousins again?

Celestia: Princess Cadence is my niece, and she married Shining Armour, who is Twilight’s big brother, so that makes me Twilight’s aunt in-law, and my son her little cousin in-law!

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Sweetie Belle: OK, you count to ten while we hide. You're going to find us, tell us when you are ready.

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*They eventually reach the Crystal Castle. Inside, the CMC get settled in for their weekend stay there. Afterwards, they started playing with Flurry Heart*

Sweetie Belle: So, Flurry Heart, what shall we do?

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Sweetie Belle: Yeah, just about as much as our sisters.

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Sweetie Belle: This place is beautiful. No wonder my sister adores this place.

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Sugar Belle: I love you, Big Mac. 🥰

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Sugar Belle: Shall we head back home?

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Sugar Belle: Awwwwww, Big Mac.

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Sugar Belle: I believe that's everything in the Sanctuary of Harmony. Did you like the visit, Big Mac?

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Sugar Belle: There's 2 more statues right here next to the Rarity Floofmare.

*She pointed to the stone statues of Octavia and Vinyl*

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Sugar Belle: It's a statue of Maud Pie, I know that face anywhere. XD

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Sugar Belle: Oh look, Big Mac, we have a new statue here. And it looks great. ^^

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Sugar Belle: And look, it's another Floofmare. This one is inspired by Rarity.

*Sugar Belle pointed to the white Floofmare with a purple head and three diamonds on the chest*

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Sugar Belle: And that purple one here is based on Twilight.

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Sugar Belle: I'm reminded of the same pony. This cocoon was based on Applejack.

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Sugar Belle: Not everything, Big Mac. Does this cocoon remind you of anypony?

*Sugar Belle was referring to the yellow cocoon with three red apples at the center*

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Sugar Belle: The Pinkie Pie Cocoon looks like cotton candy. XD

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