Saying I did something rude, and then not telling me what that rude thing was, is really rude.

49 188

THE SPIDERS WEB - Wounded and shamed by Robin's betrayal, Elizabeth Tudor, Queen of England welcomes a new suitor to her court

15 6

Horses & Guilt by Mary Bishop c.midC20th.
Compelled to live at Netherne hospital for much of her adult life, Mary created 100s of drawings in the art therapy studio. Many lucidly express emotion, containing hints of biographical detail, some she called self-portraiture.

3 13

Flashback Friday: Originally posted June 2nd 2019

If I had grown up knowing what non-binary was I would have come out so many years ago.

24 132

If you leave me to my own devices during a conversation I can send it to some magical places.

40 166

Sometimes my brain shuts off and I just go through the motions. Of course when that happens I'm prone to skip some steps.

13 100

Works by Mavis Gensler c.1969 created in the art therapy studio at Netherne hospital, where she was compelled to live.
Little biographical detail is currently known to us about Mavis & only a small number of her works survive.

3 20

I will say, a bonus to wearing a mask is that no one can tell if I'm smiling or not.

But yeah, if you tell me to smile I will make sure you regret it.

11 85

I guarantee in a few years they make a movie about someone who falls in love with a jpeg.

If I make it then it may or may not be autobiographical.

4 32

Hello I’m a queer illustrator and cartoonist looking for freelance work. My comics are mostly autobiographical but I also enjoy horror and sci-fi.

You can contact me here:


And see my work here:


4 6

Just because someone prefers to call themself a person with autism doesn't make them the enemy or "The Other". They're part of our community. Let's treat them with the same kindness and understanding we would like to be treated with.

10 63

🗿 Palaeontological memoirs and notes of H. Falconer, with a biographical sketch of the author.
London, 1868.

1 2

I hate liquid medicine! I'd rather be sick! At least gel capsules exist.

Here in China the medicine tastes so much worse than the medicine in Canada! So much worse!!!

Really hoping I get over this cold soon. It really sucks.

5 32

Hunter School, by Sakinu Ahronglong, tr. by Darryl Sterk.

Hunter School is a work of fiction consisting of recollections, & autobiographical stories from the perspective of an man aiming to reconnect with his lost tribal identity.

1 4

I’ve finally read this BEAUTIFUL book, The Magic Fish. It’s a semi autobiographical graphic novel written and illustrated by Trung Le Nguyen. The main character Tiến is gay, and it’s full of fairy tales and stunning illustrations. I had a few happy tears after I read it.

1 7

Here's some of my favorite autobiographical sketches I did this year!

54 685

When everything is silent is when my brain gets the chance to wander, and that's always a bad thing.

(Just a note: this isn't my brain wanting death, but simply being curious about it. I'm okay.)

11 54

THE SPIDERS WEB - Wounded and shamed by Robin's betrayal, Elizabeth Tudor, Queen of England welcomes a new suitor to her court

15 9

Why yes! I do take things literally! Sometimes it can make things pretty awkward, but other times, not so much.

5 46

Flashback Friday: Originally posted May 22nd, 2019

I learned how to pirate when I was kid back in the Napster and Limewire days. These skills have served me well while living in China where most movies I want to see never come to theatres.

8 46